Short Bio
Karen Matamoros is a coach helping parents create freedom in life, business and homeschooling while creating daily flow and cultivating their relationship with their children. At the core of her work, she believes in catering to the child as a whole, and thus she offers kids and teens classes that cater to the entrepreneurial spirit and to help children grow into their dreams. She has also founded Project: KAring, an alternative education portal for kids focused on the body, mind, and soul. She created this community to make free form education easily accessible to every child, though a directory, forums and scholarships. A few years ago, she decided to sell her 6-figure business to start unschooling her two daughters on the road full time and has been traveling the world ever since.

Karen Matamoros
Karen Matamoros' Fact Sheet
-Was born in Venezuelan to an Argentinian mom and a Cuban Dad. She migrated to the USA when she was 10 years old.
-She has been a single mom since 2015 and a full time traveler since February 2018.
-She has two daughters born in 2007 and 2008, who she schools on the road.
-she uses a combination of homeschooling, unschooling, world schooling and life schooling techniques.
-Her lodging choices usually include camping, van/suv and house sitting to submerge themselves in the culture of each place they visit.
-Together, they have traveled through the USA, some of Canada and Mexico.
FAQ- Karen Matamoros
Why did you sell your business?
I felt completely trapped by the crazy hours that my brick and mortar business required, and I wanted to have a choice on how to use my time.
Why did you start homeschooling?
There were many reasons I started homeschooling but the main one was to provide my kids with a more well-rounded education. We were going through a really hard time in our family life and there was never enough time to process the emotions of what was happening. So, I decided to give them the give of time and choice.
What made you decide to start traveling?
While homeschooling, I felt restricted in only offering them one perspective by being in one location, so I set off to explore how each part of the world lives and how they perceive their history.
Project: KAring
Project: KAring Fact Sheet
- Was founded on August 2015 by Karen Matamoros
- We are a community dedicated to providing children with the tools they require to become the best versions of themselves, by making alternative education focused on the body, mind, and soul available and easily accessible through tools, directories, and a community forum.
- Our mission is to facilitate the cultivation of each child’s mind, body, and spirit from an early age to avoid extreme outcomes which will require healing instead of nurturing. We aim to help grow a generation who does not need to heal from their childhood.
FAQ- Project: KAring
What is Project: KAring?
Project: KAring is an online alternative education portal focused on the body mind and soul. We are a community of teachers and parents looking to provide children with the tools they need to be the best versions of themselves, and we want these tools to reach the whole child.
What need led you to create Project: KAring?
When I started homeschooling I found it challenging to find classes outside of the academic enrichment realm. My children ended up participating in a lot of adult courses on emotions and internal growth. So, I wanted to provide parents easy access to teachers, and unique programs.
Was it always an online business?
Originally, I had planned for a brick and mortar, but then I realized how limiting that would be and how much more people I could assist if I created an online realm.
Media Pitches
Homeschooling and Unschooling gives children the freedom of choice.
Quarantine has given parents the opportunity to test out schooling at home without the full commitment, now many of these parents are choosing to continue educating their children at home but with the freedom that homeschooling brings.
After spending the past 5 years homeschooling, unschooling, road schooling and life schooling, my daughters and I have experienced many amazing sights, have learned history that has been passed down through generations instead of from books, have witness geology, have stayed in communes, explored the grand canyon from a ranger's home, along with many not so glamorous experiences. No matter what we under took, we grew as human beings.
Through this journey I have been able to make use of my 20 years as an entrepreneur, teacher and spiritual leader to create a life of wonder and discovery for my children.
Time was stolen from us by the work force, and it is being stolen from our kids by academic institutions
As quarantine has given many a chance to sit with themselves and have an influx of available time, many realize how the hustle takes away their freedom. This freedom is also taken away from schooled children by institutions that fill their day with busy work only to go home and do more.
Two years ago, I chose to break away from this hustle and create the luxury of time for my daughters and for myself. Since then, we have been traveling the USA and Canada, learning through discovery.
Karen Matamoros / / 786-972-1853
Contact Information
Project: KAring
Karen Matamoros