Are you a teacher, facilitator or coach…

Looking to get more students and their parents to see your offerings?

Are you having difficulty getting potential clients to your website?

Do you use only word of mouth and don’t have a
place where you can clearly show your offerings?


As a homeschooling parent I have experienced great difficulty Photo Apr 19 2 41 14 PMnot only finding teachers and tutors for common things like singing or math, but also found it difficult to find unique and fun classes to offer my daughters. It seemed that unless you were "in" with the homeschooling community it was an impossible feat.

As we started traveling the country, we realized that there were so many amazing offerings out there, just no place to find them listed in, and thus how our directory came to be. We want to bring these unique experiences to the homeschool community, and help you be easily seen by as many people as we can.

Your services are needed and we want to help you be found!

We have created Listings that you can use as your business card, website or even your store front. Websites can be pricey, difficult to maintain and once constructed you need to bring traffic to them, fighting on google against millions of listings. 

We solve all of that by giving you features that fit your budget, that represent your business, and that get you seen by potential clients!

If you have never catered to homeschool or unschooled children, no worries, we also offer business education focused on this specific niche. We understand that teaching homeschoolers is different than teaching other kids, so we offer courses that help you customize your services.

You can open your business to a whole new set of clients simply by listing with us!

So if you are ready to....

-Open your business to a new market
-Be seen by your specific niche
-Have a landing page that clearly defines your services
-Reach more potential customers
-Be seen in the online world
-Offer clear points of contact
-Improve your search optomization
-Have access to in niche business education
-and more

Listing Your Business is Easy!

1.Choose a plan BELOW
2.Fill out the form
3.And we'll create your listing,
send it to you for approval
along with payment options!

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