How is homeschooling going for you?

Photo Aug 25 8 45 27 AM
(Pictures 5 years ago, first day of homeschool)
      I remember so clearly the moment I decided to pull my kids out of school. Our family was in upheaval, my ex-husband had finally moved out, we were in the process of pealing every aspect of our lives apart that had been intertwined for 10 years. The pain our little family was in was so deep and confusing, that it would spill over into their school day and would have to be handled by their all-encompassing and big hearted teachers.
     Our life was rubbles and every assigned task, every must, every item on the agenda that had to be done, was killing us just a bit each day. It was too much doing with no time to digest the circumstances the universe had handed us.
     Up to this point, the thought of homeschooling had been on my mind for two years. But the fear of being responsible for my children’s education had been a bigger monster than I could handle. A monster that was not only charged with my own personal insecurities of “Am I enough for my kids?” but those of every single family member or acquaintance that had an opinion on our life.
But this was different.
This was new.
It was based on emotions.
Photo Aug 24 1 54 01 PM
   My kids were suffering emotionally and I did not have enough time to help them because our day was consumed by tasks, activities and curriculum, leaving the teachers to deal with the spilling over of emotions that we had no time to deal with at home.
This became the defining moment.
     This was what gave me the strength to say enough. These children need help, my help, my love, time to heal, and someone that can dedicate one on one time to learn their individual concerns. I needed to nourish their hearts as much as their minds, something a school systems is not equipped to do.
And so I started homeschooling.
Photo Aug 31 4 57 07 PM
     Things don’t ever seem to be what we expect or how we envision them happening. And most of the time, it is out of the ashes that new and amazing opportunities arise. Maybe that is just the realization that teaching your child at home is just not something you could ever do and are so thankful that the school system and teachers exist. Or the opposite has happened and you now realize how easy it is to follow a curriculum and either teach your child or learn adjacent to them.
     Either way, this unprecedented turn of events that has all children schooling at home has given you the opportunity to experience it. And get a taste of what it could be. Not just in academics, but you get to experience every aspect of your child, in a new setting with an indefinite amount of time. You get to adjust each day as you learn what works and what doesn’t and you get to create a piece of your existence based on what works for you both… mind, hearts and all.
Seeing all of you now. Experiencing your children in a new and a unique way, brings me great hope.

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